Skagit River Searching for Bald Eagles in December.

I am heading to the Skagit River the the State of Washington. We are packing up the Class B Van with the Wildlife Photography Gear. I will be taking Nikon D5, Nikon D850, 500mm f/4, 200mm-400mm f/4, 70-200mm 2.8 and of Course a 1.4 Teleconverter. I am on my way Dec. 14th 2021. It was a very tough drive with the bad weather. But pushed trough and arrived late on the 15th. Got a camp site right on the river. Friday the 17th was my 1st planned float boat trip and it was a great experience. Saw a lot of Bald Eagles and got some great pictures and the weather was sunny. That afternoon weather started to change woke to 3-4 inches of new snow and very cold. My 1st jet sled boat tour was at 12:30. It was snowing and raining but went out anyway( after my wife called me a fair weather Photographer). Met some great people that day(All very good photographers and were very willing to help me out). I had probably the best day of photography that I can remember. Bald Eagles are very impressive Birds as well as being some great and dramatic subjects to photograph. If you have never done this type of a trip I would totally recommend it does matter if your a expert or a beginner you will be able to get some incredible pictures.


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